My name is David Grossman, and I wrote this book so that you do not have to learn this subject completely from the school of hard knocks.
I knew precious little about coaching when I started twenty five years ago. I would have benefited by reading a no-nonsense book that laid it all out for me as I was learning the ropes.
This book strives to fulfill that need for new coaches.
The Goal Every Coach Should Have
So, what is my core coaching goal?
It’s simple: At the end of the season, all of the players must want to return to play next season.
There should be only one metric in youth league baseball: How many kids return the next season.
I’ve averaged about 80 to 90 percent.
My coaching philosophy is to make practice and the games as fun and educational as possible because a kid will simply quit if his little league experience is not fun.
Baseball is not fun for you if you struggle to get a hit, if you always drop a key fly ball, or if you are continually caught in rundowns between bases. You have to be good at baseball to have fun.
And so without further ado, I’ll get onto what you’ll learn in this book.
Hope you enjoy it.